The following individuals provided valuable information and/or wine samples:
Debra Paterson (Hanzell Vineyards), Jamie Kutch (Kutch Wines), Mike Sullivan (Benovia Winery),
David Demostene (Demostene Ranch), Tom and Eva Dehlinger (Dehlinger Winery), Brie Cadman
(Tulocay), Alexia Pelligrini (Olivet Lane Estate Vineyard), Alex Davis (Porter Creek ), Pete Soergel
(Lynmar Estate), Katie Bundschu (Gundlach Bundschu), Kent Ritchie (Ritchie Vineyard), Katie
Bacigalupi (Goddard Ranch), Kerith Overstreet (Torrey Hill Vineyard, Bruliam Wines), Theresa Heredia
(Gary Farrell Vineyards & Winery), John M., Gantner (School House Vineyard), Zack Robinson (Husch
Vineyards), Tom Rochioli (J. Rochioli Vineyards & Winery), JoAnn Truchard (Truchard Estate
Vineyard), Anne Moeller-Racke (Donum Estate), Steve Sangiacomo (Sangiacomo Vineyards)Martin
Van Der Camp, Claude Koeberle, Samantha Poe and Dan Goldfield (Van Der Kamp Vineyard), Mark
Pasternak (Devil’s Gulch Ranch), Nathan Kandler (Thomas Fogarty Winery), Jim Schultze (Windy
Oaks Estate Winery), Bradley Brown (Big Basin Winery), Jeff Emery (Santa Cruz Mountains
Vineyard), Tim Slater (Sarah’s Vineyard), Bill Brosseau (Brousseau Vineyard), Jeremy Weintraub and
Jude Radeski (Adelaida Vineyards & Winery - Hoffman Mountain Ranch), Gary Pisoni (Pisoni
Vineyards), and Laura Ness (freelance journalist). Special thanks go out to my son, Dane Gaffney, COO of Ashes & Diamonds Winery in Napa Valley and a Sonoma County resident who tracked down many Pinot Noir wines for this issue and continues to faithfully post every issue of the PinotFile> on my website. Posting took him 10 hours for this issue. He has stuck to the task for over 18 years and I am blessed to have such a good son.
Pacific Pinot Noir, John Winthrop Haeger, 2008
North American Pinot Noir, John Winthrop Haeger, 2004
Salud! The Rise of Santa Barbara’s Wine Industry, Victor W. Geraci, 2004
Chalone: A Journey On The Wine Frontier, W. Philip Woodward and Gregory S. Walter, 2000
Vineyards in the Sky: The Life of Legendary Vintner Martin Ray, Eleanor Ray and Barbara
Marinacci, 1993
Grapes of the United States, The Pinots, Nancy L. Sweet, FPS Historian, UC Davis, 2020:
UC Davis Foundation Plant Services Grapes, Grape Variety: Pinot Noir:
NVV Oral History Project - Napa Valley Vintners:
Napa Wine Library:
Napa Wine Project:
Historic Vineyard Society (HVS):
The PinotFile 2002-2020: